Why I started Health Fred’s Way

Throughout life, I’ve always tried to keep a healthy lifestyle. I never obsessed about it, but I always strived to keep some simple guidelines. I never thought what I attempted was much different than what everyone else did. It wasn’t until my wife pointed out all my different practices on staying healthy that I thought others may want to know my system.
When I first thought about writing down my health tips, my first thought was: the world does not need another blogger. But then I thought, since there are so many blogs and theories out there, it’s hard to figure out which strategies work and which ones are a waste of time. I feel like many of my techniques are the reason why I feel so good for my age now that I’m in my 50s. Also, since so many blogs focus on just one area like exercise or nutrition, I wanted to create one that shares my philosophies on these areas but many other topics like caffeine, alcohol, supplements, sun exposure and other elements that effect your body.  
Let me first start by saying I’m not a doctor and not everyone will agree with my suggestions. Periodically, I will include a link to authenticate my thoughts but sometimes I won’t. I will say that I was pre-med my first two years in college so I learned many basic elements of how the body works. Also, while playing football my first year in college and participating in many other organized sports, I learned how the body works and reacts to various activities. I’ve also experienced about every injury possible and learned the best way to treat it. The suggestions I provide are what has been working for me and hopefully they’ll work for you.
Another reason why I wanted to share my thoughts is that it seems like every day a new report comes out on what’s beneficial and harmful to your health. It’s getting to the point where you don’t know which ones to trust. I feel like I have a good grasp on what works and what doesn’t. Also, there’s a lot of people who talk about what keeps you young but do those people look healthy themselves? I always think it’s strange when some experts tell us what we should do to stay healthy but do they look younger than their age? I’m not here to state what is right or wrong, I will only say what works for me.

Other Interests of Fredric Brewer


Read the adventure of how Fredric Brewer travels to Janeau, AK and experiences the uniques of the region while taking care of his uncle.


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